Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Working Vacation...

Considering all of my responsiblities (work, family, ect.), I have always thought of sleeping as a vacation. If you think about it, it's probably a vacation for you as well. It's a time to relax, stretch out, close your eyes, forget the world, and dream. When I wake up, I'm refreshed, I feel great, and I'm ready to face the real world with a little bit more energy and enthusiasm.

Sometimes my dreams are demanding. If I stay up too late playing a video game and I can't get past a certain level, I'll have a demanding dream; I'll dream about figuring a way out of the level. When I have a demanding dream, it's like taking a working vacation. I get a little less relaxed. My energy is only slighty recharged.

On a completely unrelated note (which is my sarcastic way of saying "related note"), I made this render today after dreaming of it last night. Two questions...

1 - What is it?
2 - What does it do?

BTW, this is exactly how I visualize this in my demanding dreams.

1 comment:

Brandon said...

It's a fancy bread pan. You obviously left those pieces in to long.