Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Flash test and the battle of wills...

This is just a test post to see if I can post flash movies. It looks like I can, which is too bad for you because I plan to post a lot of flash videos of my baby girl.

Speaking of my baby girl, she was a bit of a crazy girl today. My daughter does not like green beans, peas or any other green vegetable. She's only 8 months old but she already has a picky taste in food. She gets that from her mom.

This crazy little girl absolutely would not eat her food. She would not open her mouth. When she started crying, I thought I'd be smart and put the food in her mouth... that was messy. It took an hour to feed her a little container.

I have to stay true in this battle. My will is strong and I will see her through to the end. If not... S-P-O-I-L-E-D is the only thing that can result. She may look at me and swear she's adopted but she will finish her vegetables.

I won today. It was a tough battle but with if I continue to stay strong and do what is best, I will win the war.

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